
Rice’s Math Circle is a part of a national network of Mathematical Circles, organizations that unite mathematicians and precollege students who are interested in mathematics. Math Circles create opportunities for stimulating mathematics enrichment, while providing mathematics faculty opportunities to provide university outreach. Students meet with mathematicians in informal settings to work on challenging problems or explore topics in mathematics that receive little or no attention in precollege mathematics classes. The goal is to inspire precollege students to explore mathematics and give them access to rigorous mathematics that encourages a passion for mathematics. Math Circles are an ideal way for students to interact with mathematicians and university students who love mathematics.

During 2022-2023 Rice's Math Circle (in conjunction with Math Circles of Houston) took place on Sunday afternoons on the Rice University campus for students in grades 5-8.

For more information, please contact the Rice University School Mathematics Project office at 713-348-6076.

Last year's photos, here.